In Close Quarters

Lately, I have started noticing a new phenomenon attempted by my mind every time I am knee-deep in an important read or a revealing listen on the subject of non-duality.  Whenever I begin to make …

Closer to Silence

Imagine an important project that you were working on suddenly develops significant challenges. You know you cannot handle the load all by yourself, so you bring in people with distinct skills to undertake specific roles. …


“I cannot live with myself any longer.” These are the exact words that took hold in the mind of an anxiety-ridden, suicide-prone man with lifelong depression, words that upon self-reflection instantly freed him into a …

Here and Now

First thought Raw thought Closer to what is Next thought  Mired thought Removed from That Is Experience, the truth of life Interpretation, faulty lies Exaggerate, overstate Mind-full to complicate Stories after stories told Layers ‘neath …

One Thought Away

If you are in the habit of listening to Jiddu Krishnamurti’s talks, you will notice that he frequently checks on his audience to see if they are still following his drift. The wizen-faced philosopher would …

As Within

There is something inherently gratifying about the rare moments when your independent, I-can-do-it-myself child seeks your help to keep them safe. These moments are precious because they appeal directly to the protective instincts built into …